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- Member of the TPI transition team representing the Netherlands organisation of universities (VSNU) since 2018. TPI is the Dutch initiative towards the transition on animal-free innovations.
- Member of the steering group of VSNU and NFU on formulating a vision/goal for animal-free education at universities in the Netherlands. Since 2020
- Co-chair of the preclinical working group in the Ensuring Value in Research Funder Forum >2020
- Cochrane REWARD prize evaluation committee, >2018
- Chair of the Novo Nordisk 3R prize award committee, 29 September 2017
- Participant stakeholder meeting on alternatives for non-human primates by the Rathenau Institute 29 November 2016
- Member of the ICLAS working Group on harmonisation of reporting guidelines (2013-2018).
- Benoemingscommissie prijs alternatieven voor dierproeven, Willy van Heumenfonds, 2014-2018
- Member education and supervision committee PhD students RIHS (2014-2015)
- Redactieraad SID (Stichting Informatie Dierproeven), ‘Dierproeven zo doen ze dat’, popular publication of Zodoende, Dutch statistics on animal experimentation (2010-2017)
- Member advisory board Central Animal Laboratory (2010-2017)
- Member working group ”Transparantie en Verantwoording” with Proefdiervrij, RUG, UU, WUR (2012- 2014).
- Member stuurgroep Evidence-based surgery, Radboudumc 2011
- Member NCEBP research theme group Evaluation of complex medical interventions 2010
- Member Dutch working group on optimising breeding
- Member of the working group VSNU-NFU-KNAW “Code openness”
- Chair of the COST B24 working group on Refinement of procedures (2004-2009).
- Convenor of the FELASA working group on Quality systems for animal units, report published in Laboratory Animals, 2004
- Member of the Danish working group preparing new legal guidelines on teaching and training (2000), which have become effectuated in January 2001
- Participant in expert workshop on housing, welfare and enrichment organised by Novo Nordisk and the Danish Animal Protection Society, 2000/2001
- Chair of the ScandLAS working group on Quality systems for animal units, report published in the Scand. J. for LAS, 1999